Moa Bird Rubber Stamp (Extinct Megafauna)
Woolly Rhinoceros Rubber Stamp (Extinct Megafauna)
Great Sphinx of Giza, Egyptian Rubber Stamp
Great Blue Heron Bird Rubber Stamp
Giant Panda Eating Bamboo Rubber Stamp
Lynx Wildcat Rubber Stamp Bobcat
Shih Tzu Puppy dog Thanksgiving Rubber Stamp
Christmas Rat in Candy Cane Jar Rubber Stamp
Camel Christmas Nativity Rubber Stamp
Ferret Christmas Caroling Rubber Stamp (New Year Stamp); Here We come A-Weasel-ing
New Year's Dog Rubber Stamp, Resolution
Grumpy Groundhog Rubber Stamp, Happy Groundhog Day
Parrot Rubber Stamp, Macaw, Bird
Dog Kissing Booth Rubber Stamp, Boxer, Great Dane, Pitbull
Made in the USA Flag Rubber Stamp, American
Rooster Weather Vane Rubber Stamp, Rustic Farm
St. Patrick's Day Cat playing Harp Rubber Stamp
Chinchilla Playing an Irish Jig on the Violin Musical Rubber Stamp
The Irish: Be they kings, or poets, or farmers… Word Rubber Stamp
Good Dog in Hot Air Balloon Rubber Stamp
Cerberus, Three Headed Dog Rubber Stamp (From Greek and Roman Mythology)
Giant Cyclops Rubber Stamp, From Greek and Roman Mythology
Hydra of Lerna Rubber Stamp, from Greek Mythology, Heracles foe in the Twelve Labours and guard of the underworld
April Fools Day Pranks Frogs Play Rubber Stamp
Ivory Billed Woodpecker Rubber Stamp, Critically Endangered or Extinct North American Bird
Red Bellied Woodpecker Rubber Stamp
New World Oriole Bird Rubber Stamp, Baltimore Oriole
Macaw, New World Parrot Rubber Stamp, Rainforest Bird
Birdhouse, Nestbox Rubber Stamp, Bird House or Nest
California Condor Rubber Stamp, Endangered North American Vulture
Fly Fishing Raft Rubber Stamp, Sport Fishing Silhouette
Auroch, Large European Bull Rubber Stamp, Cattle ancestor